Friday, March 7, 2008

Obama Adviser's Forced Resignation

Samantha Power, an Obama senior adviser and Harvard professor and foreign affairs specialist, was forced to resign from the campaign after calling Hillary Clinton a "monster." Power told The Scotsman": "We fucked up in Ohio. In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio's the only place that she can win. She's a monster, too - that is off the record - she's stooping to anything." Predictably, the Clinton campaign demanded that Obama dismiss Power and, of course, later she issued a statement apologizing for her remarks along with her resignation. But in truth, Power stated what people know to be true: the Clintons - and husband Bill must necessarily be included in the equation - are a monster, a two-headed monster that will resort to anything to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell