Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Adieu Geraldine Ferraro

Geraldine Ferraro today left the Hillary Clinton campaign amid a barrage of criticism for her disparaging remarks about Barack Obama's bid to become the Democratic presidential nominee. But before saying goodbye to the former vice presidential nominee, two final points. One, Ms. Ferraro apparently has an irresistible compulsion to say something stupid whenever a black man runs for president. In 1988, of Jesse Jackson's bid, she said if he were not black "he wouldn't be in the race." And two, in an lucid interval, she said, "If my name were Gerard Ferraro, I would have never have been chosen as a vice presidential candidate."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure quite what this means. But someone dug up this passage from a December 2006 article in the NYT about what then seemed the likely prospect that a women and a black man would be competitive candidates in the 2008 Democratic primaries ...

“All evidence is that a white female has an advantage over a black male — for reasons of our cultural heritage,” said the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, the civil rights leader who ran for president in 1984 and 1988. Still, he said, for African-American and female candidates, “It’s easier — emphatically so.”
Ms. Ferraro offered a similar sentiment. “I think it’s more realistic for a woman than it is for an African-American,” said Ms. Ferraro. “There is a certain amount of racism that exists in the United States — whether it’s conscious or not it’s true.”

“Women are 51 percent of the population,” she added.

GF's logical fallicy is of course that all women will vote as a block for another woman.

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell