Saturday, April 3, 2010

Malcolm Speaks

From a Malcom X recording I purchased back in the sixties Malcolm X Talks to Young People and has stayed with me all these many years:
"One of the first things I think young people, especially nowadays, should learn is how to see for yourself and listen for yourself and think for yourself. Then you can come to an intelligent decision for yourself.

"If you form the habit of going by what you hear others say about someone, or going by what others think about someone, instead of searching that thing out for yourself and seeing for yourself, you will be walking west when you think you're going east, and you will be walking east when you think you're going west. This generation, especially of our people, has a burden, more so than any other time in history. The most important thing we can learn to do today is think for ourselves."

About Me

Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell