Saturday, August 2, 2008

McCain's Unforgivable Lie

There is an interesting profile of John McCain in the Washington Post that portrays the presumptive Republican presidential nominee as a complex politician defined by emotion and ambition. McCain has gotten a lot of mileage for his maverick ways and unaccustomed honesty and candor. But the defining moment for me, the reason why I could never vote for him, was his stance in the South Carolina primary of 2000. " The flag symbolized both slavery and the South's secession from the country I love, and should be lowered forever from the staff atop South Carolina's capitol. I had promised to tell the truth no matter what. When I broke it, I had not just been dishonest, I had been a coward, and I had severed my own interests from my country's. That was what made the lie unforgivable." Yes, that lie is still unforgivable.

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell