Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"The Deranged Narcissism of the Clintons"

Yesterday the Associated Press reported that Hillary Clinton was ready to deliver a concession speech in New York on Obama clinching the Democratic presidential nomination. Then Clinton operative Terry McAuliffe rushed to CNN to clarify the situation, saying that she would do no such thing. Later there was some talk that she would acknowledge but not concede Obama's victory. So given Hillary's unwillingness or inability to acknowledge for weeks that it was all over but the shouting, last night's speech by Hillary in which she neither acknowledged nor conceded anything was not surprising. CNN commentator Jeffrey Toobin put it best when he described Hillary's performance as yet another example of "the deranged narcissism of the Clintons."

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell