Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nader Considers a Presidential Run, Again

The reports that Ralph Nader is considering yet another run at the presidency is unwelcome news. For Nader made eight years of George W. Bush's ruinous presidency possible by running in 2000 and, as such, siphoned off votes from then Vice President Al Gore, the Democratic nominee. Although Nader's candidacy did not have much of an impact nationally, its impact in the critical state of Florida proved disastrous. Aside from ego gratification and self-righteousness, a Nader candidacy has no significance beyond playing the role of spoiler.

1 comment:

The Punk Patriot said...

Really? It was NADER?

I could have sworn it was Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris illegally removing 1 million black people from the voter roll.

But maybe I'm mistaken.

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell