Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bernie and Dante

Of Bernard L. Madoff, poster boy for Wall Street greed, Ralph Blumenthal writes that in Dante's Inferno, Madoff would be dispatched to spend eternity in the Ninth Circle of Hell:
Mr. Madoff was 700 years too late to join Dante’s Who’s Who of sinners, but it is easy to imagine where the poet would consign this scam artist, who admitted to stealing as much as $65 billion: to the Pit, the Ninth (and deepest) Circle of Hell. It is where sins of betrayal are punished in a sea of ice fanned frigid by the six batlike wings of the immense, three-faced, fanged and weeping Lucifer.

In Dante’s frightful underworld, sinners face a descending funnel of worsening torments keyed to their sins. The lustful are blown about in a whirlwind; the violent boil in a river of blood. But betrayers, alone at the bottom, are savaged by the one called emperor of the realm of grief, in person.

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell