Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Obama Fires Back

Barack Obama's renunciation of his former pastor and spiritual adviser Rev. Jeremiah Wright was inevitable in light of Wright's media blitz where he unhesitatingly impugned his former congregant's integrity as a politician. Will this be enough to satisfy the senator's detractors and opponents? Perhaps not. But it should lay to rest the notion that this practitioner of a post-partisan politics more concerned with bridging divisions and uniting people lacks the necessary toughness or the proverbial fire in the belly to be president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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to the article there is still a question as you did in the downgrade issue of this demand pro 4.0.753 ?
I noticed the catch-phrase you have not used. Or you partake of the dark methods of helping of the resource. I have a week and do necheg

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Alexandria, VA, United States
'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell