For this irrepressible numbnut, the result of the 2008 presidential election apparently is extremely difficult to accept. Here he is calling Obama everything short of being the Antichrist and perpetuating the right wing canard that Obama wasn't born in the United States.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Alan Keyes is Loose
For this irrepressible numbnut, the result of the 2008 presidential election apparently is extremely difficult to accept. Here he is calling Obama everything short of being the Antichrist and perpetuating the right wing canard that Obama wasn't born in the United States.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
DuBois on Lincoln
In the centenary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, what W.E.B. DuBois said of him in May 1922 resonates with me:
Abraham Lincoln was a Southern poor white, of illegitimate birth, poorly educated and unusually ugly, awkward, ill-dressed. He liked smutty stories and was a politician down to his toes. Aristocrats—Jeff Davis, Seward and their ilk—despised him, and indeed he had little outwardly that compelled respect. But in that curious human way he was big inside. He had reserves and depths and when habit and convention were torn away there was something left to Lincoln—nothing to most of his contemners. There was some—thing left, so that at the crisis he was big enough to be inconsistent—cruel, merciful; peace-loving, a fighter; despising Negroes and letting them fight and vote; protecting slavery and freeing slaves. He was a man—a big, inconsistent, brave man.
And DuBois's elaboration on these themes in Again, Lincoln (September 1922) is just as interesting, especially his discussion of the tendency to gloss over the foibles and shortcomings of great historical figures:
We love to think of the Great as flawless. We yearn in our imperfection toward Perfection—sinful, we envisage Righteousness.
As a result of this, no sooner does a great man die than we begin to whitewash him. We seek to forget all that was small and mean and unpleasant and remember the fine and brave and good. We slur over and explain away his inconsistencies and at last there begins to appear, not the real man, but the tradition of the man—remote, immense, perfect, cold and dead!
This sort of falsehood appeals to some folk. They want to dream their heroes true; they want their heroes all heroic with no feet of clay; and they are astonished, angered, hurt if some one speaks the grim, forgotten truth. They can see but one motive for such digging up of filth, for such evil speaking of the dead—and that is prurient love of evil.
Thus many of my readers were hurt by what I said of Lincoln in the July CRISIS.
I am sorry to hurt them, for some of them were tried friends of me and my cause—particularly one like the veteran, wounded at Chickamauga and a staunch defender of our rights, who thinks my words "unkind and uncalled for."
First and foremost, there comes a question of fact. Was what I said true or false? This I shall not argue. Any good library will supply the books, and let each interested reader judge. Only they should remember that, as one of my naive critics writes, "I know that there are among his early biographers those who say something to the same effect"; but against these he marshalls the later words of those who want to forget. I leave the matter there. If my facts were false, my words were wrong—but were my facts false?
Beyond this, there is another and deeper question on which most of my critics dwell. They say, What is the use of recalling evil? What good will it do? or as one phrases, "Is this proper food for your people"? I think it is.
Abraham Lincoln was perhaps the greatest figure of the nineteenth century. Certainly of the five masters,— Napoleon, Bismarck, Victoria, Browning and Lincoln, Lincoln is to me the most human and lovable. And I love him not because he was perfect but because he was not and yet triumphed. The world is full of illegitimate children. The world is full of folk whose taste was educated in the gutter. The world is full of people born hating and despising their fellows. To these I love to say: See this man. He was one of you and yet he became Abraham Lincoln.
Some may prefer to believe (as one correspondent intimates) that he was of Mayflower ancestry through the "Lin-coins of Hingham!" Others may refuse to believe his taste in jokes and political maneuvers and list him as an original abolitionist and defender of Negroes. But personally I revere him the more because up out of his contradictions and inconsistencies he fought his way to the pinnacles of earth and his fight was within as well as without. I care more for Lincoln’s great toe than for the whole body of the perfect George Washington, of spotless ancestry, who "never told a lie" and never did anything else interesting.
No! I do not love evil as evil; I do not retail foul gossip about either the living or the dead; but I glory in that crucified humanity that can push itself up out of the mud of a miserable, dirty ancestry; who despite the clinging smirch of low tastes and shifty political methods, rose to be a great and good man and the noblest friend of the slave.
Do my colored friends really believe the picture would be fairer and finer if we forgot Lincoln’s unfortunate speech at Charleston, Illinois, in 1858? I commend that speech to the editors who have been having hysterics. Abraham Lincoln said:
I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to inter-marry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.
This was Lincoln’s word in 1858. Five years later he declared that black slaves "are and henceforward shall be free." And in 1864 he was writing to Hahn of Louisiana in favor of Negro suffrage.
The difficulty is that ignorant folk and inexperienced try continually to paint humanity as all good or all evil. Was Lincoln great and good? He was! Well, then, all evil alleged against him are malicious lies, even if they are true.
"Why should you wish to hold up to public gaze those defects of character you claim he possessed, knowing that he wrought so well?"
That is the very reason for telling the Truth. That is the reason for painting Cromwell’s mole as it was and not as some artists conceive it ought to have been.
The scars and foibles and contradictions of the Great do not diminish but enhance the worth and meaning of their upward struggle: it was the bloody sweat that proved the human Christ divine; it was his true history and antecedents that proved Abraham Lincoln a Prince of Men.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Natural Contaminants
E. J. Levy, in his New York Times oped, The Maggots in Your Mushrooms, places the contaminated peanut butter outbreak in perspective by bringing attention to what the Food and Drug Administration considers an acceptable level of contamination:
THE Georgia peanut company at the center of one of our nation’s worst food-contamination scares has officially reached a revolting new low: a recent inspection by the Food and Drug Administration discovered that the salmonella-tainted plant was also home to mold and roaches.
You may be grossed out, but insects and mold in our food are not new. The F.D.A. actually condones a certain percentage of “natural contaminants” in our food supply — meaning, among other things, bugs, mold, rodent hairs and maggots.
In its (falsely) reassuringly subtitled booklet “The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of Natural or Unavoidable Defects in Foods That Present No Health Hazards for Humans,” the F.D.A.’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition establishes acceptable levels of such “defects” for a range of foods products, from allspice to peanut butter.
Among the booklet’s list of allowable defects are “insect filth,” “rodent filth” (both hair and excreta pellets), “mold,” “insects,” “mammalian excreta,” “rot,” “insects and larvae” (which is to say, maggots), “insects and mites,” “insects and insect eggs,” “drosophila fly,” “sand and grit,” “parasites,” “mildew” and “foreign matter” (which includes “objectionable” items like “sticks, stones, burlap bagging, cigarette butts, etc.”).
NAACP and Black History Month
Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Thomas raises an issue worthy of discussion concerning the purpose and existence of the NAACP and Black History Month:
"We should emphasize not Negro History, but the Negro in history," he said in 1926. "What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race, hate and religious prejudice."
If ever there was a month when African-American history was significant, it is this one. Abraham Lincoln—You remember "the Great Emancipator"?—was born 200 years ago on Feb. 12. A hundred years later the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, was born on Lincoln's birthday. A century later we have our first biracial president. What a country.
Which raises a question I've pondered increasingly in recent years about the NAACP and Black History Month. If they weren't around, would anyone notice?
A lot of people ask, now that Americans of all colors have put an African-American in the White House, how much more "advancement" do we need?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Two Celebrated Recordings
2009, of course, marks the fiftieth anniversary of Miles Davis' seminal recording Kind of Blue but, as Mike Hobart writes, it also marks the anniversary of John Coltrane's Giant Steps.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Whoever dubbed Alex Rodriquez "A-Fraud" got it right. The only difference between Rodriquez and Barry Bonds is that the latter allegedly lied under oath while the former had the sense or good fortune to make such statements in a different arena. That is, Rodriquez didn't perjure himself when he looked Katie Couric during a 60 Minutes in the eye and emphatically declared that he never used steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. But the bottom line is, like Bonds, A-Rod constructed and perpetuated lies about himself and his involvement with drugs. And for that he justly deserves the name A-Fraud.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hank Crawford 1934-2009
Alto saxophonist Hank Crawford, 74, who died at his Memphis home, began his prolific career as a sideman in Ray Charles' legendary 1950s band and went on to grace numerous jazz and soul bands with his distinctive blues based sound.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Michael Steele's Challenge
Michael Steele's elevation to chairmanship of the Republican National Committee is being hailed as watershed moment in the history of the American Republic, similar to Barack Obama being elected president. Unfortunately, try as I might, I simply cannot erase from memory the GOP trotting out black faces at recent party conventions in an effort to portray itself as the party of inclusiveness, despite 40 years of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps I have fallen prey to cynicism but Steele's efforts to recast this lilly white party is an exercise in futility.
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- Craig Taylor
- Alexandria, VA, United States
- 'To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." - George Orwell